"Put out into the deep water..." This command from Jesus has gripped me lately. You can read the full story in Luke 5:1-11. As I've been meditating on this passage, I see a stark contrast between the crowds on the shore, straining to listen to Jesus, and the proximity of Peter to Jesus, sitting in his own boat beside the Lord. After Jesus finishes preaching to the crowds, he gives Peter a personal word: "Put out into the deep water and lower your net for a catch." After preaching about the...
6 days ago • 2 min readNOT AN UNDERDOG
I've been hearing this phrase in my spirit for a few months now: not an underdog. It's a familiar word, but here's an official dictionary definition: a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest; a person who has little status in society. Whether you read the Bible or not, this word underdog often evokes the story of David and Goliath. It's an epic story and also prophetic for right now. The Lord wants to encourage his beloved ones who feel forgotten, hidden, and...
3 months ago • 4 min readDare to Ask for Different 🔥
Have you ever had one of those full-circle moments? In a split second, time stands still. You realize something significant is happening, something that's been a long time coming... I had one of those on Sunday. I was sitting in my car with a dear friend after a long lunch of laughter and fancy pizza. We were praying and, suddenly, a familiar song started resounding in my heart... I want to be different. I want to be changed. Till all of me is gone and all that remains is a fire so bright the...
5 months ago • 2 min readWaiting vs. Serving
When I was 16, I got my first job at a Mexican restaurant known for its neon signs and nachos. I started as a hostess and worked my way to waitressing. This restaurant was good to me, sustaining me through high school, summers in college, and graduate school. Working in a restaurant is not for the faint of heart. I developed some thick skin and supreme multitasking abilities. (I also burned some nerve endings off my fingertips.) Even though I haven’t worked in this role for years, every now...
5 months ago • 2 min readThe Rod of God ⚡️
I have an adorable and slightly demanding dog that loves to go on walks. So I take him on a stroll around our neighborhood just about every day. Ever since Omaha's windstorm three weeks ago, I've been dodging massive piles of tree debris stacked near the street, just waiting to be hauled away. In other words ... dead wood. 🪵 It's a picture of our life disconnected from Christ. Jesus himself said, "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather...
6 months ago • 3 min readUnplugged 🔌
Last week a wild windstorm hit my city, marking the worst power outage in Omaha's history. Along with our power, we also lost the last tree standing in our front yard, nestled right next to our living room window. The trunk just snapped from the sheer force. (I'm sure going to miss the beautiful white blooms next spring.) Sadly, our landscaping now looks a bit disheveled and bare. In some ways, that's how my heart has been feeling this summer. It finally sunk in when I saw the broken stump....
6 months ago • 2 min readA Love Letter 💌
Have you ever written a love letter to you from God? I participated in a School of Ministry Intensive for five days this year in May. (It literally changed my life. I wrote a summary of my experience here.) Each day we had little assignments to do, and one was writing a love letter. I encourage you to try it! It's a powerful and personal way to exercise your spiritual senses, hear God's voice, and get to know his thoughts about you. You might be surprised how much pours out. How precious to...
7 months ago • 1 min readHearing His Voice
On Sunday, I got to teach at kids church. The topic? Hearing God's voice. There's truly nothing better or sweeter or more life-changing. It wasn't until my early 30s that I had a major (for me) epiphany: God wasn't emotionally distant. I always knew He was there, but I didn't believe I was "spiritual enough" to hear from him intimately and personally. What a lie. Now when I look back on my life, I can see that God was indeed speaking to me in so many ways (dreams, impressions, desires,...
7 months ago • 2 min readFAITH + FEET 🦶🦶
Lately, the Father has been teaching me about faith. It's the only language he hears. It has substance and carries currency. It's procreative, precious, and pleasing to him. And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NASB) Faith is measured by our belief and trust in the GREAT I AM — and our willingness to risk and take action after hearing his voice. Faith = assurance,...
7 months ago • 2 min readTHE SCROLL 📲
Too often I eat the wrong “scroll.” Social media “feeds” sure are appetizing, yet the little squares starve me of true communion and connection. Even the good, godly morsels can dull my senses to taste and see that the Lord is good, firsthand for myself. Jesus is the Word who became flesh. He invites us to partake. His body and blood are true food. His voice is the sweetest treat. I'm declaring this month to be "Just Jesus July." I’ll be fasting from scrolling so I have more room for eating...
8 months ago • 1 min read