A Love Letter πŸ’Œ

Have you ever written a love letter to you from God?

I participated in a School of Ministry Intensive for five days this year in May. (It literally changed my life. I wrote a summary of my experience here.) Each day we had little assignments to do, and one was writing a love letter.

I encourage you to try it! It's a powerful and personal way to exercise your spiritual senses, hear God's voice, and get to know his thoughts about you. You might be surprised how much pours out.

How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand...
(Psalm 138:17-18 NIV)

Ever since May, I've made it a habit to listen and record in my journal what I hear God saying. Below I'm sharing one of my recent entries. God wants me to share it because this one is not only for me. If you're reading these words, it's a letter from his heart to you, his beloved.

A Love Letter from the Lord πŸ’Œ

I do not change. I do not cast shade or shadows. I do not shift. I shine. I dwell in unapproachable light. Yet I have made a way for you to approach me and dwell in safety and security.

I am the same today, yesterday, and forever. I am fully dependable, fully capable. My power is unprecedented. I am able. I am the I AM. I'm faithful. I'm fun. I'm in love with you. I love being near you. I love your worship. I love your heart.

You will NOT be put to shame. You will receive a double portion of my power. Everything you need, I have. I am your access. I am your source. Plug in. Pull close. Draw near. I'm taking you deeper into my heart. There is no bottom. I'm eternal. I'm everlasting. I'm unending.

I set you free. I set your feet in a spacious place. Your praise brings breakthrough. Your words carry the force of my voice, the sound of heaven, the currency of the kingdom, the frequency of love, the colors of my covenant.

I am your redeemer. I am your healer. Everything you need ... I AM. I AM. I AM. You are never alone. You are surrounded by the family that is me and you are a member of my body.

I'd love to hear how this resonates with you! It's incredible what the Lord wants to tell us when we create space in the secret place. I also love how he uses other people to speak into our life. Together, we have the mind of Christ. We need each other.

Thankful for you,



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