Lately, the Father has been teaching me about faith. It's the only language he hears. It has substance and carries currency. It's procreative, precious, and pleasing to him.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NASB)

Faith is measured by our belief and trust in the GREAT I AM — and our willingness to risk and take action after hearing his voice.

Faith = assurance, confidence, CONVINCED

Yesterday, I heard the Lord say, "Put feet to your faith." Next, several seemingly unrelated passages started connecting in my mind.

Follow along as I process this message...

First, God wants his people to remember their placement. We are seated with God in Christ Jesus in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-6). This reality is truly mind-blowing. It's a place of communion, authority, and victory.

Heaven is God's throne and the earth is his footstool (Isaiah 66:1). We are also placed here on earth with an original mandate to subdue it (Genesis 1:28). This word subdue in Hebrew means "to tread with the feet."

So our placement is twofold: seated in heaven and tramping the earth.

Second, Jesus wants to wash our feet. We must receive his cleansing and refreshment — the removal of our sin and the washing of filth from our dusty, muddy world that collects between our toes and covers our soles/souls.

Jesus says, "Unless I wash you, you won't have a place with me" (John 13:8 CEB). We cannot reproduce unless we first receive. Jesus is our example and all-sufficient source. We must walk on this earth in his humble, powerful footsteps.

Finally, God wants to instill in his people real, substantive faith ... faith that has feet ... to defeat the earth's darkness (Isaiah 60:1-3). Jesus has already dethroned the devil, and it's our job as the body of Christ to enforce it on earth.

As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15 NIV)

Faith has feet ... it moves and speaks! Followers of Jesus are commissioned to preach the good news and make disciples of nations.

I see everyday believers arising, those who know their identity and destiny, those who are convinced of God's sovereignty, those who have their eyes fixed on King Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of their faith. They have beautiful feet and bold voices that bring light and life everywhere they tread. In their hearts are the highways to Zion. In their homes is the culture of heaven. In spite of all the shaking, they will stand strong in the last days and do exploits.

Let's remember our placement, allow the Lord to wash our feet, and then walk in his ways, one step at a time.

Lord, infuse us with your grace and faith today!


p.s. If this message spoke to you, feel free to share it with someone else who might need it.


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