Dare to Ask for Different 🔥

Have you ever had one of those full-circle moments? In a split second, time stands still. You realize something significant is happening, something that's been a long time coming...

I had one of those on Sunday.

I was sitting in my car with a dear friend after a long lunch of laughter and fancy pizza. We were praying and, suddenly, a familiar song started resounding in my heart...

I want to be different. I want to be changed. Till all of me is gone and all that remains is a fire so bright the whole world can see that there's something different, so come and be different in me.
—Micah Tyler

In June 2018, I got wrecked by this song, sitting in the same seat. It happened right after having coffee with my friend ... this same friend now sitting next to me.

These lyrics captured the cry of 2018 Chelsea's heart. I finally had language to describe the holy dissatisfaction that was simmering in my soul. I sat in my car sobbing. I knew Jesus was calling me out of my casual Christian lifestyle.

Back to Sunday ... I had this realization that God already saw me in this present moment all those years ago in 2018. He was simultaneously back there and right here, waiting, smiling, swelling with anticipation and delight.

Full. Circle. Moment.

He connected and cemented these two tear-filled experiences, showing me — viscerally — how fully committed and faithful he is to finish the good work that he started in me.

God did it! I'm different.

It's been a wild six years. I've spent much time in the wilderness learning that crucifixion death comes before resurrection life.

So here's my announcement...

God has connected me with a ministry called 420 Fire, and I'm joining forces with this movement! The name comes from 1 Corinthians 4:20, "For the kingdom of God is demonstrated not in idle talk but with power."

420 Fire is a training and equipping ministry all about reaching our nation through the person of Jesus and authentic community that moves in the presence and power of God. They have hubs across the United States and beyond. We'll be leading the second one in Nebraska.

I'll be sharing more details soon, including info about our meetings. Please reach out if you're interested in learning more or getting involved.

God is calling and commissioning many of us right now to lead, to step out, to surrender, to risk ... for such a time as this!

Dare to say yes. Dare to ask for different.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6 NASB)

Embrace the process. Enjoy the journey. Jesus is the destination, and he's worth so much more than lukewarm living.

Let's burn!


P.S. Here's the lyric video for the song "Different." Make it your prayer. It just might change your life. 🔥


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